Dipl.-Ing (FH) Elektrotechnik Hans Schleisiek

  • Ernst-Gaber-Straße 4
    76131 Karlsruhe


(PCs, laptops, peripherals, accessories)

Consulting, research, offer comparisons, procurement
New installations, modifications, extensions
Tests, repairs, exchange

Software Consulting, procurement, new installations, repairs, updates

Operating systems
Content Management Systems (CMS)

Windows Server, Windows Desktop, Linux, Android
OpenText, WordPress

Website Creation, changes and updates via CMS
Email Setup, troubleshooting, mailing lists
LAN / WLAN Requests, setup, changes, tests
Peripheral devices
(printer, copier, plotter, etc.)
Configuration, network integration, regular maintenance
UAS representative flights with UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems, colloquially "drone")
Insurance, applications

Contact person to the SCC (Steinbuch Centre for Computing)
Creation and processing of trouble tickets
Updates in the DNS management system
Updates in the NAT management system
Monitoring and partial execution of regular backups
Guest and partner accounts
Databases (MySQL), Wikis
Image and video editing
Secure data deletion